Solid Elements
The Solid or 8 node brick element allows you to model structures that are too thick to be modeled by plate elements. Common applications could include dam models, extremely thick pile caps or vibrating equipment with extremely thick support slabs. Essentially, these elements should be used whenever the Mindlin – Reissner assumption of linear strain through the thickness of the element would not be appropriate.
Solid elements may be viewed / edited in a couple of ways, but can only be created by extruding existing plate elements.
Create Solids
Solid Elements are not drawn in RISA-3D. Instead, they must be extruded from a mesh of plate elements. Use the Insert menus or the Drawing Toolbar to create new solids. Once you have created these items, you can use other graphic features to load the model and set boundary conditions.
Creating solid models requires more forethought than either beam or plate elements. To create solids you must first create a plate element mesh, and then extrude that mesh into a series of solid elements. See Plate Modeling Tips and Plate Modeling Examples for tips on building plate element meshes. You can set all the element properties up front or you can modify these properties after you draw them. Modifying Solids is discussed in the next section.
The “Create Solids by Extruding Plates” window (shown below) lets you take any existing plate and extrude it out into a three dimensional object.
Click on image to enlarge it
Extrude Solids
To extrude solid elements:
- If there is not a model view already open, then click the Open 3D Views icon in the ‘View’ ribbon.
If you do not already have a plate element mesh, then you must create one.
See Drawing Plates for more information on this.
Click the Solids icon (as shown in the following image).and set the solid properties.
Click on image to enlarge it
The Create Solids by Extruding Plates window opens.
Click on image to enlarge it
The “Create Solids by Extruding Plates” window lets you take any existing plate and extrude it out into a three dimensional object.
- Click the Material arrow and choose the solid material you want to extrude.
In the Extrusion Options section enter the extruding options:
Extrude Axes either globally or locally.
The X, Y, and Z components of the extruding vector and the thickness of the extrusion vector.
The No. of Solid Elements (number solid elements) along the extrusion vector.
Choose one of the following options:
Extrude all selected plates - Choose this option to extrude an entire selection of plates at once.
Select the plates in the 3D View panel first, then choose this option.
All plates currently selected in the 3D View panel will be extruded. If you don’t have any plates selected, ALL plates of the same material in the model are extruded by default.
Extrude by clicking plates individually - Choose this option to extrude a single solid at a time or to select just a few plates to extrude.
Choose this option first, then click on the individual plate(s) you want to extrude.
Click OK to extrude the plates.
- Only Quadrilateral plates can be extruded.
- To extrude more solids with different properties, press CTRL-D to recall the Create Solids by Extruding Plates window.
- You can also view and edit solid properties by clicking on a solid.
- You can undo any mistakes by clicking the Undo button.
Modify Solids
You can modify one or more solid elements at once using the Properties panel. The Properties panel lets you modify the properties of solids that already exist in your model. You can modify solids one at a time by selecting a single solid and modifying the properties, or you can modify entire selections of solids by selecting the solids first and then modifying the parameters for the entire set.
To modify solid elements using the Properties panel:
Click on one or more solids to view to display the properties in the Properties panel.
Click on image to enlarge it
In the Properties panel, edit the properties you want to modify.
your changes are immediately applied.
You can submesh solid plate elements into a mesh of smaller elements. This new mesh can be any size up to the program limits for joints and/or solids. This is very useful for refining a coarse mesh of elements; just make sure that all adjacent solid elements (elements sharing an edge) maintain connectivity.
You can define different submesh increments in each direction.
You can submesh the solids one at a time by selecting the Click to Apply option and then clicking on the solids you wish to submesh. You may also modify entire selections of solids by selecting the plates and then using the Apply to Selected option.
Submesh Solid Elements
To submesh solid elements:
- If there is not a model view already open, click the Open 3D Views icon in the View ribbon.
- Select the Solids you want to sub mesh.
Click the Submesh Solids icon in the ‘Modify’ ribbon (as shown below).
Click on image to enlarge it
The Solid Submeshing Options window opens.
Click on image to enlarge it
This window allows you to define different submesh increments in each direction.
Specify the number of pieces along the side.
Click OK to apply your options.
You can submesh solids one at a time by specifying the number of pieces, clicking OK and then clicking on the solids you wish to submesh. Or, you can modify entire selections of solids by selecting the plates, opening the Solid Submeshing Options window, specifying the number or pieces, and then clicking OK.
- To submesh more solids with different parameters, press CTRL-D to recall the Submesh Solids settings.
- You may undo any mistakes by clicking the Undo button.
Solids Spreadsheet
The Solids Spreadsheet records the properties for the solid elements of the model and may be accessed by selecting Solids on the Data Entry menu.
Click on image to enlarge it
The following data columns hold the ‘Primary’ data for the solids.
Solids Primary Data Columns
Column |
Description |
Display the unique name of each solid. You can assign a unique label to any or all of the solids. You can then refer to the solid by its label. Each label has to be unique. If you try to enter the same label more than once, you receive an error message. You can relabel solids at any time using the Relabel Allor Relabel Selected icons on the Modify ribbon. |
The A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H node entries are used to define the 8 corner nodes of the solid element. These nodes are unable to be edited in the spreadsheet, since solids are created by extruding existing plates. |
The material label links the solid with the desired material defined on the Materials Spreadsheet. Note: Solids are always
defined with general materials.
This is
because the other material sets (Hot Rolled, Cold Formed, Wood, and Concrete)
are used to designate member code checking specifications. Since
solids are only used for analysis, no code checking is provided and the
material must be designated as a general material.
The Activation data column allows for solids to be set to 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'Excluded'. These choices can be made by selecting them from the drop down list or by entering an 'I' for 'Inactive' or an 'E' for 'Excluded'. If the cell is left blank the plate is 'Active' by default. See Inactive and Excluded Solids for more information. |
Solid Information
Just as with the
Click on image to enlarge it
The following table describes the information provided in the Properties panel.
Solid Properties Panel
Inactive and Excluded Solids
Making an item such as a member or solid inactive allows you to analyze the structure without the item, without having to delete the information that defines it. This leaves data intact so the item may be easily reactivated. This is handy if you want to try a model with and then without certain items, without having to actually delete the data.
Choosing "Inactive" makes the item inactive, i.e. the item is not included when the model is solved or plotted.
Choosing "Exclude" will exclude it from the results list. So, an item set as "Exclude" will be treated like any other solid in the solution and plotting of the model, but the solid will not be listed in the solution results (forces, stresses etc.). This is useful if there are certain items whose results you're not interested in. You don't have to clutter up the results with these items and can concentrate on the items you're most interested in.
See Printing for more limiting printed results.
Solids Formulation
A reference for this element is Finite Element Procedures, by K.J. Bathe, Prentice-Hall, 1996. Although the book does not complete the element derivations, it does provide many references for papers on the family of elements. In brief, the element formulation is standard 8-node ISO-parametric formulation.
Node Connectivity
If the solid element is generated using the extrusion tool, the
Degrees of Freedom
The Solid element activates the THREE translational degrees of freedom at each of its connected
Coordinate System
For the time being, no local coordinate system is defined for the solid element. All the input and output, such as material properties, stresses, displacements are all defined in the global coordinate systems.
Solid Modeling Tips
Number of Elements
The standard ISO-parametric formulation needs at least 4 elements through the thickness in order to accurately simulate a bending dominant part (such as a thin beam or thin plate).
Aspect Ratio of Elements
Solid Elements are more sensitive to element distortion than plate elements. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep a solid elements relatively undistorted. The best formulation for a solid is a cube with equal length sides.
- Solids are always defined with general materials. This is because the other material sets (Hot Rolled, Cold Formed, Wood, and Concrete) are used to designate member code checking specifications. Since solids are only used for analysis, no code checking is provided and the material must be designated as a general material.
- It’s generally more efficient to use the Graphic Editing features if you want to change the properties for many solids at once.
For the time being, only joint loads and self weight can be applied to the solid elements.
Verification Examples
Open the Solid_Cantilever.r3dfrom the Examples folder in the RISA directory.
Click on image to enlarge it
In this example, a straight cantilever beam (modeled with solid elements) is subjected to a unit force at the tip in the three orthogonal direction and the unit moments at the tip about the three orthogonal directions, each in a different load case. The tip displacements are compared with hand calculations as shown below:
The values shown in the table for the RISA output is an average of the 35 nodes at the tip of the cantilever.
Case |
Equation |
Theory |
% Difference |
Axial Extension |
Delta = PL/AE |
0.060" |
0.060" |
0 |
Strong Axis Bending |
Delta = PL3/3EI |
1.372" |
1.361" |
0.80 |
Weak Axis Bending* |
Delta = PL3/3EI |
4.322" |
4.203" |
2.75 |
From this table we can see that solid element deflections are in very good agreement with the theoretical values.